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Verbal and non-verbal communication for traders

Proper verbal and nonverbal communication during sales

In the first 30 seconds after your client has seen or heard - he forms his first impressions of you.

This is the period in which he decides what his future attitude will be - will he build a "bridge" or will he "defend" himself? The answer to this question determines his further actions.

To make sure that they will be in your favor, today we will present some tips for verbal and non-verbal communication , which will help you create a good first impression and predispose your interlocutor.

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Verbal communication

Sometimes the first 30 seconds of a call determine the end result of a sale. The mistake most traders make during this period is not letting the customer talk. What you can do is initiate a conversation on a neutral topic (common interests, shared values, common problems for business development, etc.), but do not take the time. Let the client talk and you just listen to him with interest.

Get useful information and make your interlocutor feel important. Gain his trust!

To strengthen the client's sense of self-importance, in the first minute, you can compliment him . The compliment can be addressed to the office, the position of your interlocutor, the company or be personal.

Be friendly, smile, but keep serious . This will make the client feel more confident and calm. Pause at the right time, in the right place.

Also, remember that your verbal communication should not contradict your nonverbal behavior. For example, don't say you "have time" while looking at your watch. This will definitely not make a good impression on the person you are talking to.

In addition to words, verbal communication also includes tone, timbre, pitch, tempo and speech. The statement "It doesn't matter what you say, but how you say it" could be used here in full force.

The speed of pronunciation and the way of pronouncing the words are very important . Therefore, you should not allow the characteristic manifestation of excitement.

Slowly slow down the pace of the first phrase between you and the client. This will help you:

• sound more confident, giving peace of mind to the client;
• suppress your initial excitement;
• Emphasize the significance and importance of your words.

Another piece of advice we can give you is to speak more slowly and at a lower pace than the client's. This technique often goes unnoticed because customers are usually unaware of the tone of their voice as well as their intonation.

Non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication (facial expressions, posture, gestures, movements) largely determines the effectiveness of the first contact.

Facial expression

The expression and smile in the first few seconds of the conversation are often much more important than the words themselves. The trader must demonstrate calmness and confidence so that he inspires the same emotions in the client.

Body posture

Body posture speaks volumes when meeting a client. In order to look confident and make a good impression on the client, your body posture must be open and upright.


The handshake is a sign that you value and respect the person against you. If the handshake is weak and the hand is sweaty or shaky, your interlocutor will describe you as an insecure person.

When meeting, always reach out to the client first.


To make your meeting with the client successful:

• Try to behave as naturally as possible, but also professionally!
• Do not be indifferent or apathetic to your work and the products you offer!
• Use all channels of communication - verbal and nonverbal!
• At the beginning of the conversation - compliment the client!
• Speak slowly, clearly and distinctly!
• Demonstrate calmness and confidence!

If you want to improve your sales skills or the sales skills of your employees, check out our online sales training: Academy "Personal Sales Techniques" and "Successful Phone Sales" .

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