ULSIT is a state-owned university of bibliography and information technology that offers undergraduate, master's and doctoral degree programs with accreditation. The university has been built for 60 years, and currently, it is attended by 2000 students.
"The path to a professional career begins with choosing a college. It is a complex and very responsible choice because in many cases it determines not only your profession but your whole life, your destiny. "
ULSIT aims to prepare highly qualified, motivated and adaptable professionals who have applicable theoretical knowledge and practical skills to work in various fields. ULSIT has modern facilities, specialized study rooms, classrooms, and modern computer rooms. The university offers its students a large reading room with a capacity of 150 people. His library stock has over 52,000 study materials, many of which are rare.
ULSIT provides full-time and part-time training, and some of its programs are distance learning. Enrollment goes through training and specialization practice during the last year of study.
Graduates can apply to work in cultural institutions, such as museums, archives, galleries, libraries, as well as in public administration, publishing houses, information business and more.
ULSIT is actively involved in publishing in the scientific field - it publishes monographs, its annual, called "ULSIT's Proceedings", "Publisher" magazine, textbooks and more. Participates in international projects and cooperates with institutions in Germany, Russia, France, Serbia, Poland, and others.
The University is a member of the International Federation of Library Associations, the International Council of Museums and others. In 2005, a museum collection of contemporary spirituality in Bulgaria was created at the Library Information Center at ULSIT because of the need to preserve the spiritual consciousness of today's society.
NIT - New Internet Technologies Ltd. provides ULSIT with the ILIAS distance learning platform, which facilitates the learning process, both in terms of the provision of training material and its faster absorption.