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More conversions from your mobile app?

3 ways to increase engagement

Many businesses and companies use mobile applications to increase their conversions. If you are one of them, keep in mind that you have about 8-12 seconds to hold the attention of mobile users.

How can you achieve it?

There are several actions you can take, but one of the most important is to get closer to the users of your application. If you do not segment and personalize their experiences, then you should expect fewer conversions and lower levels of engagement.

Regardless of the type of your mobile application, users expect to know who they are, what they want to receive and how they prefer it to happen. This means that using their own names in emails is definitely not enough.

What can you do to increase user engagement with your mobile app?

1. Show users that you understand them

In order to get closer to the users of your mobile application, you really need to know who they are and what they want. Segment your audiences, understand how they interact with your application, and respond appropriately to their interests and preferences.

On the Internet you can find various tools that will allow you to analyze user behavior in your mobile application. You can even connect it to CRM and get even deeper segmentation.

2. Communicate with users at the right time

The first step is to analyze how users use your application and what their behavior has been in the past. But you also need to keep track of their real interactions with him. Users open your mobile app to perform a specific action. Make sure you interact with them using engagement features such as surveys, messages, and banners. Of course, you need to use these techniques in a way that respects the reason why the user is using your app and in a way that adds value to what they plan to do.

3. Provide useful content

In order to engage the attention of the users of your mobile application, you need to put your efforts into context. You need to know how far they have come in their interaction, what their demographics are, what their physical location is, how they use your app. If you do not take into account all this data, you can not achieve optimal customization.

Source: smashingmagazine.com .