It can be used to solve problems in the organization or to analyze a process and find a more efficient method. The introduction of organizational development requires time and resources, but they are fully justified.
Advantages of organizational development
1. Change in the organization
The organizational development process identifies those places in the organization where change is needed . Each need is analyzed, and potential effects are projected into a change management plan. The plan includes information on the specific ways in which the change will improve the company, who will be affected by the change and how it should be implemented to be most effective for employees. If organizational development is not part of change management, the company will find it difficult to create an effective change management program.
2. Development
Organizational development is an important tool for managing and planning corporate development . The analysis of organizational development gathers forecasts for sales and consumer demand to determine the growth rate of the company. This information is used to change the company's business plan and to plan expansion.
3. Work processes
In organizational development, work processes are analyzed for efficiency and accuracy . All quality control measures are also implemented. Duplicate processes, or processes that can be combined, are analyzed, and a detailed plan is created and implemented to improve the methods used by the company.
4. Product innovations
Organizational development is important for product innovation because it can help in analyzing each element of product development , and creating a method for its effective use. Some of the processes in organizational development that support product innovation are: competition analysis, technology development, consumer preferences, targeted market research, analysis of production capabilities, etc ..
5. Continuous development
Organizational development creates a cycle of improvements where strategies are planned, implemented, evaluated, improved and monitored. Organizational development is a proactive approach that embraces change.
6. Improved communication
One of the main advantages of organizational development is the improved communication within the organization. It, in turn, leads to an increased understanding of the need for change.
7. Increase in profits
Organizational development affects all processes in the organization - innovation, productivity, efficiency and hence - profit. Costs are reduced as employees are more motivated. The change in culture gives the company a great advantage in the competitive market.
Sources: explorance.com;
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