In other cases, you will not be the best choice to perform a task. When something like this happens to you, it's time to consider delegating.
In this article we will give you useful tips on how to delegate effectively. We will explain the main responsibilities and what you need to consider before and after the delegation.
What is effective delegation ?
Delegating tasks in cases where you need to reduce your workload is a good practice because it allows projects to move forward without breaking deadlines.
Situations that require delegation are complex and sometimes misleading, as they relate to your time and the time of the person to whom you want to delegate the task. People cannot do more than their physical capabilities allow. And if they don't have enough time, then the problem just moves from you to them.
Therefore, evaluate each situation individually. Make sure the other party has the time to take on the task and the skills they need.
What to consider before delegating?
Before delegating a task, you need to make sure that it is the right solution. Consider the following questions:
• Do I have to delegate this task? The tasks that are of great importance for the long-term success of the project; the tasks that are part of your job description; tasks that are not suitable for someone else must be done by you.
• Do I have enough time to delegate the task effectively? You cannot delegate a task if you do not have time for training, questions and answers and processing (if necessary).
• What will be the consequences if the task is not completed? You cannot be sure that the person to whom you have delegated the task will complete it, even if he has promised to do so. If failing to do so will lead to drastic problems, then delegation may not be a good idea.
• Can I expect an adequate result? If you can come to terms with the fact that the delegated task may not be done well enough, then delegation is an option.
How to find a suitable person to delegate the task to?
If the above questions do not cause problems, then you can delegate the task. But how to find the right person? Consider the following questions:
• Is there anyone other than you who has the information and experience to complete the task? You cannot delegate a task to someone who cannot complete it.
• Does this task enable the person to whom you will delegate it to acquire a new skill? Delegation is a win-win situation - you free up time and the other party can learn something new.
• Will your colleague be able to communicate with you the progress of the task? If you can't keep in touch with him, you better not delegate the task.
When you delegate a task, you do not transfer the responsibility to the other person. If he does not fulfill it, you must take responsibility. Therefore, before delegating a task, make sure that he can complete it.
What to do when delegating ?
Once you have decided to whom it is appropriate to delegate a task, you can start with the delegation itself. What should you do?
• Clearly state the desired end result so that the person knows what is expected of him.
• Set a deadline - if possible, allow extra time.
• Make a schedule so you can track progress.
• Make it clear whether the person should report periodically. If so, explain why.
• Identify possible constraints and obstacles - for example, waiting for approval, recommendation, etc.
• Explain why the task is important and how it will support the company and personal professional development of the person who will perform the task.
• Allow the other party to share their thoughts and feelings. In this way you will show that you will respect and appreciate her efforts.
• Be available if you need to clarify or answer questions.
• Communicate constantly and monitor the development of the project.
• Be patient - it is normal for the person to whom you have delegated your task to do it more slowly than you.
• Allow him to control the way things work and the processes. This will increase the chances of good end results.
What to do after delegation?
Always take the time to review the assignment. If things don't go well from the beginning, it's not too late to help the person complete the task or give it to someone else.
Take enough time to review the completed task and, if necessary, make adjustments. But you only have to accept a well-done and fully completed task. You should never put yourself in a position to completely redo the task.
If you accept an unsatisfactory task, your colleague will not learn how to do it right: he will think that he has done everything necessary because it has been accepted.
If your task was delivered on time and performed well, it means that the delegation was successful.
Make sure you acknowledge and reward your colleague's efforts. Always compliment your team members who have done well. This will help build a healthy relationship between you and your colleagues. It will help them build confidence and improve their efficiency.
Delegation is an effective way to use your time better and increase your productivity. It can lead to a win-win situation for both parties if implemented effectively.
Not only will you gain time to work on your more important tasks, but you will also give the other party the opportunity to develop and learn new things.
Of course, first, you need to make sure that delegation is the right option. Assess the situation from every angle. Consider whether it is a good idea to delegate a specific task and who is the most suitable candidate for it.
Remember that the responsibility for the quality and timely execution of the task is entirely yours. Therefore, it is in your interest to make sure that it will be performed as well as possible.