First technique to improve creativity: Stimulate the left and right brain
Different parts of our brain perform different functions. The right part is related to artistic, creative and emotional tasks, and the left - to mathematics, logic and similar thinking. The technique we will present to you now uses these two functions of the brain.
What should you do? First, start thinking with the left side of your brain, concentrating on the finances you will need to carry out your idea. Then, switch to the right chat of your brain, thinking about the possible emotions that people who decide to buy your product would experience. Keep switching from one part of the brain to the other.
If you do this exercise regularly, you will achieve three very important results:
- You will overcome the strong influence of the dominant half of your brain.
- You will receive ideas that are both customer-oriented and have a solid financial plan behind them.
- The use of both parts of the brain leads to their synergy and increases creativity.
Second technique to improve creativity: SCAMPER
SCAMPER is a technique for generating ideas by asking questions.
SCAMPER is an acronym for:
- S - substitute
- C - combine
- A - adapt
- M - modify
- P - put in other use
- E - eliminate
- R - reverse / rearrange (reversal, reorganization)
A two-step approach is used:
- The problem is formulated.
- SCAMPER questions are asked at each stage of the search for a solution.
Why is the SCAMPER technique useful?
- It will prompt you to ask questions that you would not normally think about.
- By asking all these questions, you will get a good general picture of the product's capabilities.
Third technique to improve creativity: Design thinking
Design thinking is a process that begins with the generation of ideas, goes through their testing and ends with their implementation. The basic idea behind design thinking is that the goal is to understand the needs of the client and that they should always be put first.
How to understand your customers?
Go out and watch your customers. Try to understand what they feel, what they think, what they see. Use your observations and, with the help of brainstorming or the other two techniques we just discussed, come up with new ideas.
Once a good idea comes up, try to create a very simple prototype of the product / service. Test it and find out if it works before you decide to spend money on its full implementation.
What are the benefits of design thinking?
- Creates a structured process for the formation of ideas and concepts.
- As you focus on the client, you will think of things you would not otherwise.
- Easy to use tool, practical and accessible.
Remember, the creativity stimulation techniques we've looked at are designed to structure the idea generation process and will help you consider all possible options before making a decision.
Second, never underestimate people. All people are creative. There are people who do NOT try to be creative. If you use the techniques we have considered, you will make each person on your team creative.