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The Best eLearning Content Development Companies

The Top 20 eLearning content providers according to eLearning Industry

NIT - New Internet Technologies Ltd. was ranked in top 20 by e-Learning Industry experts based on robust process and criteria.

It is our pleasure to announce that NIT - New Internet Technologies entered Top 20 of e-Learning and Micro-learning providers

The ranking was published by one of the lead internet platforms in the field - the eLearning Industry.

The experts at e-Learning Industry, based on their rich experience in evaluating hundreds of e-learning providers, took on the ambitious and difficult task to rank the best in class as part of their ongoing search for new technologies and latest trends in the field. For the first time, a truly in-depth study of the e-learning content providers of micro-e-learning was conducted, based on image and reputation, interactivity, and gamification. During the selection process of the top e-learning services providers the eLearning Industry experts compared many of the well-established companies in the field and evaluated them based on the following set of criteria: e-learning quality, customer feedback, e-learning expertise, e-learning innovation, company's social responsibility policy.

The selection process was not easy. Many of the candidates hold strong potential and use unique approach to deliver information to e-learners in an easier-to-understand and applicable way. The experts who conducted the survey believed to have selected the best e-learning providers and ranked them according to a set of criteria.

The survey is over, and hundreds of e-learning companies were further shortlisted to Top 20

The recognition that the winners received is not accidental. Their enormous efforts to deliver great value to their clients and constantly improve the e-learning experience in terms of functionality of micro-learning, were rewarded.

In their summary of findings, the e-Learning Industry experts highlighted that the top 20 e-learning companies were not only motivated by commercial success but by something deeper. The shortlisted finalists stood out from the rest thanks to their professional experience and high-quality products designed to help e-learners in the e-learning process. Their e-learning programs have a robust and purposeful structure in terms of content delivery.

The article features NIT - New Internet Technologies Ltd. and its services. In is highlighted that NIT - New Internet Technologies offers innovative eLearning services including LMS integration, configuration, customization, training, hosting, support and development of eLearning courses, videos, animation, and more. NIT - New Internet Technologies provides both “off-the-shelve” eLearning courses and custom-designed micro-e-learning courses that engage, motivate, and deliver tangible results. In addition, the experienced professionals at NIT-New Internet Technologies apply the latest principles and tools to create eLearning programs within the assigned budget and timeframe. A broad portfolio of completed eLearning projects is outlined for large corporate clients as well as small and medium enterprises.

E-Learning courses, developed for business clients More...