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4 gamification myths - debunked

How to avoid failures and make the most of your learning?

Gamification is a powerful educational tool, which in the recent years attracted the attention of a number of educational and professional institutions.

However, it continues to be misunderstood.There are myths for its nature and specifics that today we are going to debunk. We hope that we will help you avoid the pitfalls that stand in the way of every person, who has decided to integrate the methods of gamification in a quality and effective training plan.

Gamification and game is the same thing

To provide certain information, game-based trainingsuse standard educational games - games that have a beginning, an end and a winner.Gamification, on the other hand, applies only single game elements - once participants have to gain points, the other time– they have to overcome a challenge. The only requirement is an access to a computer, a tablet or a smartphone.

Gamification is not suitable for the older generation

It is a wrong perception that people over a certain age do not like to play games as well as it is wrong to say that all people under 30 years love to play games.People's preferences on how to be trained do not depend on their age.There is no training approach that appeals to all people.

Gamification and science have nothing in common

Gamification is not just games and fun. The most successful gamificationplatforms use two well-established learning practices - retrieval practice and spaced repetition.

Gamification refers only to points and rankings

People do not play games just to earn points. They play games to become better, to overcome challenges and to socialize with others.The most successful examples of gamification contain interesting storytelling, problem solving, continuous feedback, and a high level of interactivity. These are the elements that attract the greatest attention and that will bring the greatest benefits to the organization.

Benefits of gamification

Gamification has many benefits. Some of them are:

• Training at any time and any place.

• Regular content update.

• Communication, collaboration and cooperation.

In Conclusion

Gamification cannotconsist of meaningless and unrelated gaming elements.The effective strategy requires establishing a clear structure. Students must be aware of the methods that will lead them to a successful end from the very beginning.Results will be more than satisfying.

Resource: forbes.com.

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