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SEO optimization in 2015

What can we expect from Google in the next 12 months?

As we all know Google changes its search algorithms several hundred times per year

This makes SEO optimization an extremely fast-growing and dynamic sector. It is difficult to predict with precision what will happen over the next 12 months, but it is worth to pay attention to several trends.

Penguins and Pandas

Before Penguin and Panda, algorithms appeared occasionally. However, lately, it seems that we started going into a period in which they are more integrated with the main algorithm.

Mobile search

Perhaps, it is unnecessary to say that mobile search will continue to increase its popularity in 2015. Therefore, we should expect that factors such as site speed, user experience, etc. will be of leading importance to search engines like Google.


Internet users like watching videos. This, of course, did not go unnoticed by Google. So it is very likely, search results to start showing more and more videos.


In 2015 newsletter could redeem its place as one of the leading tools in the arsenal of SEO experts.
They are not as risky as social media marketing, for example. Furthermore, they are not subject to the constant algorithm changes.
Bulletins are controlled marketing form and they give very good results in time of turmoil. Therefore, we expect that the interest in them will be renewed during the next year.


Of course, Google will not yield its leading position among search engines. Even after the transition of Firefox to Yahoo and the reduced Google market share.

Resource: socialmediaweek.org.

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