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Gamification for Educational Institutions and Businesses

In the modern high tech world, people hardly keep their attention on training, conducted with the help of traditional educational methods.

The lack of interest and motivation reduces the chances of learners to achieve good results. Most of them are bored, they are not careful and do not make even a minimal effort to learn something from the learning material. This is a real and very serious problem.

These challenges necessitated the development of new educational methods. One of these methods is gamification. It gives impressive results across all ages and professional areas.

Gamification, not only combines different technologies, but also requires development of specific skills, such as teamwork, analysis, etc. Thanks to it, every person who has desktop or mobile device can participate in such educational game - he/she can solve quizzes, riddles, puzzles, and any other tasks directly related to his/her professional or educational sphere.

Gamification uses various innovative technologies and combines the different components in the so called “smart learning environment”. Gamification contributes to the creation, re-usage and distribution of interactive educational content; of course, there are some required functionalities, such as assessing and getting quick feedback.

Our Proposal

Our experts are ready to help you start your project; they will help you through the entire process - design, configuration, optimization, management.

NIT-New Internet Technologies Ltd. offers creation of educational games - virtual, semi-virtual and real-life (with geocaching elements). Learners will have to use a desktop or a mobile device or they will have to go out and solve problems as a team - all these are targeted towards a specific field of development.

Who Can Use Gamification?

Educational Institutions

Educational institutions can use gamification to present new learning materials, regardless of the subject. Mathematics, History, Literature, Physics - everything can be gamified. Even better - gamification can be used with both main educational approaches - self-paced learning, and learning with a teacher.

Gamification increases interactivity - instead of just reading a text, students must fulfill another task, but will still be staying in the subject of the specific training. In addition, they will have to comply with a number of other factors, such as deadline, purpose, etc.


In business, gamification creates new ways for relationship improvements. It creates a continuous engagement and builds loyalty among employees and customers. Gamification gives results, because it affects people’s motivation and their sense of community. Last but not least, learners' efforts are rewarded. Through gamification you can motivate your employees, partners and customers. Gamification will help you build loyalty and strong relationships.

Goals of Gamification

The main objective of gamification is to create interactive games that take place in an online or an offline environment and increase the learners’ involvement.

Benefits of Gamification

• Aside from making the learning process more interesting and therefore more effective, gamification contributes to the reduction of restrictions, imposed by time and space.

• Gamification connects all participants in one educational technology.

• Gamification strengthens the processing of knowledge and information sharing.

• Gamification helps disadvantaged people realize their own skills in order to be able to meet the challenges of the real life easier.

• Gamification provides a fast way for knowledge and skills improvement and increases the speed new technologies enter education.

Influence of Gamification

Gamification is a technology that influences numerous social and economical spheres. It encourages:

• The creation of new educational techniques.

• The appearance of new innovative business models.

• The creation of a digitized educational eco system.


Gamification is the educational tool of the new generation. It mixes the real world with the virual one and gives better and longer lasting results. Gamification helps people learn new things, expand their concepts, encourage their development, and gain new skills.

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